The Rato Bangala Samachar is the official newsletter of the school. It is published on the first day of the academic year and at the end of every term. It is both an important means of communicating with parents and a valuable source of information for others who are interested. It is packed with information on the growth and development of the School, with a brief overview of the happenings of the term.
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Cornice is the annual literary magazine of the school. The unique feature of Cornice is that every student from Grades I through X contributes to it. The content of the Cornice represents the RBS curriculum.
The RBS blog has articles by parents, teachers, and students. It started during the pandemic year 2020 with documentation of the initial experience of schooling during the pandemic. The second installment focused on Media Literacy Guidelines for parents and teachers in Nepali.
The Circle is a magazine run by A Level students who are interested in writing, It is a vibrant student-run publication with themes selected by the students.
The school calendar is published at the beginning of the academic year and is subject to revision in times like the pandemic. The final calendar with dates may be subject to revision and posted at the beginning of each term.
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