Welcome to Middle School,
Grades IV to VI
Home Our Program Welcome to Middle School, Grades IV to VI
Rato Bangala School incorporates class 4 to class 6 under the Middle School section.  

Curved Image

Middle School

The curriculum in Middle School (Grades IV-VI) focuses on the development level of the children and nurtures the social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development of every student. Two teachers in charge of each class in Middle School oversee the growth and development of the whole child as they lead the teaching of Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Mathematics, Digital Literacy, Character Education, Performing Arts, and Library Studies. They are supported by specialist teachers in Computer Studies and ICT Starters, Nepali Language, Physical Education, Visual Arts, Music, Gymnastics, and Martial Arts. 

  The classroom lessons and field trips are planned carefully to optimize learning in all areas and to ensure that students acquire the skills of inquiry, observation, and experimentation. Teachers balance individual and group activities. Teaching at Rato Bangala is integrated: skills learned in one subject area are reinforced through application in other areas. Interactive, hands-on learning is characteristic of the Rato Bangala method.


Activities that Rato Bangala prompts

Extra Curriculum

Rato Bangala School always encourages students to stand out in every sectors.

Drama and Dance 

Dramatic activity is a natural part of most children’s lives enabling them to make sense of their own identity by exploring meaningful fictional situations that have parallels in the real world.  This skill is utilized skillfully at school through structured play and drama in which the students participate interactively across the curriculum. 

Physical Education

Children are exposed to a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance, and coordination, individually and with others. They enjoy physical activities from running, jumping catching to playing competitive sports, students develop flexibility, strength, technique, control, and balance through athletics, gymnastics, martial arts, and a range of movement patterns.


3DI (Three Dimensional Imagination) sessions at Rato Bangala School enhance each student’s digital potential with the combination of Ed-Tech tools, Immersive and Digital Technologies. With the usage of visually engaging and interactive platforms, 3DI allows students to not only expand their computer science knowledge but also to reinforce and reinterpret classroom learning.  



The music program strives to cultivate an appreciation and love for music through participation in enjoyable experiences collaborating with peers in singing and playing musical instruments. They gain familiarity with scale, strengthen their understanding of the connection between musical pitches and become more independent note readers as they experience the joy in music.


Character Education and Social Emotional Learning

Character education is taken into consideration when every unit of the curriculum is planned across the subject areas because we believe that character development is the most important component of learning. Social-emotional learning is an important focus area.


Martial Arts 

Taekwondo teaches students to embody discipline and perseverance. This sport sharpens one’s focus while also enhancing strength. Increased balance also leads students to progress with more mobility and confidence.


Visual Arts

A dynamic art department enables the children to explore a wide variety of art mediums. The integration of art into social studies, language arts, math, and science helps children make personal connections to their studies and continues to deepen their learning.

Other Language


Learning Chinese as a Foreign language from a native speaker was introduced in collaboration with Confucius Institute at Kathmandu University.


Learning the Nepal bhasa language is a part of the curriculum in Grade IV while they study Kathmandu Valley.

Digital Literacy

We consider digital literacy as a key to navigating the world.  

01-5447618, 01-5422614 / 01-5447620
Coordinator: Ms. Jenny Manandhar

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